Well it's the end of my first week in Paris and I'm truly in love with it all over again. Other than the day after I arrived when the temperature went up into the 60's, the weather has been uncooperative, though usually there are a few bursts of sunshine every day. Mostly though it's cloudy and gray, if not actually raining. In the apartment I bundle up in my black fleece and, the last couple of days, have even resorted to turning on the space heaters.
I've come to realize I could never be a struggling writer in a garret apartment in Paris. It's just too cold for me. Besides, I much prefer to be a doer. All these days when I've stayed inside working on my paper, I've only really wanted to get out and be seeing things, as if every minute inside I was missing something important. And that seems to be true of everyone in Paris, especially on a Sunday when you can hardly move through the throngs along the quai heading toward the Louvre or the Tuileries.
One of the special things here is the way everything seems to line up, so that you can catch a perfectly framed view of something in the distance. Sometimes they're far away and sometimes not, like this view of the Louvre pyramid from the outer court.