« It's definitely spring in Paris | Main | Now for today's lesson. Did »

Though today wasn't as nice

Though today wasn't as nice as yesterday, I went walking around the neighborhood anyway, since it's part of my Paris fitness plan. Within just a few blocks of the apartment, I stopped to check out Notre Dame, with all the scaffolding that covered its front on my last visits now removed and repairs made.

Then heading for the flower market on the Ile de la Cite, I discovered this interesting face on the side of the bridge at Pont Notre Dame.

Being able to share these pictures is really fun, but what I'm really looking foward to is sharing the walks and sites in person. I can't wait for my visitors to start arriving.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 3, 2001 4:26 PM.

The previous post in this blog was It's definitely spring in Paris.

The next post in this blog is Now for today's lesson. Did.

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