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So what else do

So what else do I do in Paris besides walking around and being a flaneur all the time? Well I think about eating and I think about drinking, and then I eat and I drink.

My local bakery is Maison Kayser where I love the baguette Paline, a wholewheat loaf that just might replace my previous favorite, pain Poilane. I've become addicted to salads made of mache, a dark small-leafed salad green known as lamb's lettuce per Patricia Wells, so I'm hoping that will be growing this summer in Vermont or in Orange. And I found an article about the various crus of Beaujolais to prepare me for a visit to le Rubis, the wine bar pictured here. This was taken on a Sunday trip to check out the location and I'll take another when it's opened up and busy and I have some good wine drinking buddies to go along with me. Meantime though I've tried a Morgon from my local wine shop to get ready.


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