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After a most luxurious

After a most luxurious late start and a little grocery shopping a la Nantucket, but minus the coupons, Trudy and I were off for the day. We headed for the Jeu de Paume, stopping along the way to get information on concerts at Saint Chapelle and to admire the tulips in the Tuileries. The unusual Picasso exhibit gave us a whole new appreciation for poisson. Check with us later for the full story.

And then it was on to the Palais Royale where this shot of Trudy and pigeon was taken. We circled back around towards the apartment and found that the tents we'd seen yesterday on Pont de Archeveche, were the site of a wonderful antique market. Many bargains but nothing for us.

And we finished the evening at a vegetarian and smoke-free restaurant just around the corner from the apartment, Le Grenier de Notre Dame, where we can highly recommend the meatless lasagna and moussaka with lentils. The apple tart did not however, measure up to Bob's tarte tatin.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 14, 2001 5:24 PM.

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The next post in this blog is After missing Easter morning.

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