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No more dallying in

No more dallying in bed until late today. For Trudy's final day we were up and out to the Pompidou Center, arriving before it even opened. Once inside we headed right up to L'Annee du Pop, forgetting completely about our cold and rainy wait to get in. And there we were back in the 60's, listening to the Monkees and looking at blowup furniture in a large, very comprehensive show. We were well-trained by Albright openings and recognized many of the pieces (Rauschenberg, Oldenburg, Lichtenstein, Dine, Warhol, Johns, and Indiana) without even needing to read the credits. As we rode the escalator down to exit, an added treat was this view of Sacre Coeur, which stood out so brightly, almost in sunshine.

It was a grand week that went all too fast, but we've got stories and memories for many years to come.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 18, 2001 2:00 PM.

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