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Aagh, the weather is getting

Aagh, the weather is getting to be a bit of an annoyance. I'm going to be quite ready for some sun and warm weather when the next real Spring day finally arrives. No pictures today. I just took my book, found a secluded corner table in a cafe around the corner, and spent several hours reading 'Revere Beach Boulevard'. What an odd combination it was to look up and see the park across the street surrounded by ancient gray buildings, and to look down and let my reading transport me back to the familiar scenes of Kelly's Roast Beef and the North End. The book, which was a great gift, makes me want to explore more of Revere, beyond the beach, and maybe check out Suffolk Downs when I get back.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 9, 2001 4:16 PM.

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