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Oops! This post was

Oops! This post was delayed due to technical difficulties, mainly caused by a fierce game of Scrabble and a bottle of Saumur Blanc.

Just a short walk from the apartment, we spent the day at the Cluny Museum, amazed by the immense and intricate Unicorn tapestries, wondering how many people were involved and how they were actually made. More research is required since our guidebooks didn't explain. Besides the famous tapestry collection, the museum also had displays of the excavation of the original Roman baths beneath it, including the 'frigidarium' which was just as cold as its name implies, and the excavated sculptures of the Kings of Judah in the photo. After the museum, the ladies lunched at Brasserie Balzar and if we hadn't stopped so long to admire the re-creation of medieval gardens in the park next to the museum, we would have been home before the rain and hailstorm. As it was, we were saying again, 'April in Paris with hail?!'


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 26, 2001 5:41 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Anyone recognize these twins.

The next post in this blog is End of the day photos.

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