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May 2003 Archives

May 5, 2003

Rappin' at the Derby

Rap made an unexpected appearance (at least to my mind) in the names of horses running in this weekend's Kentucky Derby. There was Atswhatimtalkinbout, Offlee Wild, Ten Most Wanted, Outta Here and my favorite, Supah Blitz, who was ridden by a female jockey. Ultimately Funny Cide was the winner. If Seabiscuit had run in this derby he probably would have been renamed See Bizkit.

May 11, 2003

Unexpected Mother's Day Gift

When we were up in Orange today, my Mom brought out a copy of We Blog and asked Meg to sign it for her. Jokingly making it into a fancy book signing, we opened a bottle of Prosecco and proposed toasts all around, to the author and to the Mom's. Later my Aunt and Uncle asked about the book, and someone suggested there should be a book reading in addition to the book signing. Meg flipped to the page where she had written about me starting my blog and proceeded to read. Even more than when I read the passage originally, it moved me to hear it read by Meg herself, and made for an unexpected and very special moment this Mother's Day.

May 15, 2003

Dogs at the mall. Pretty much says it all.

May 20, 2003

Home Improvements

For some time now I've wanted a different display mechanism for photos, so here's an interim attempt. In the interest of timeliness I'm going with this and planning on further improvements to come.

Back in March we visited New York City with camera in hand. These photos are all Peter's handiwork. NB: The improvements are now here, as of 5/26/03.

May 21, 2003

Brown and Blue

The Tufts reunion was this past weekend and what a fine weekend it was, back on campus reconnecting with old friends and partying in Brookline with the DU's. These pictures show what it was all about.

May 22, 2003

Google Cooking Goofy?

Say it isn't so, but that's how it was characterized in the otherwise well-written review Why Google Hacks is a Bestseller. Looks like there's a lot to be learned from the book but don't pass up Google Cooking if you're at a loss for what to make for dinner. I'm looking for mahi mahi recipes right now.

May 23, 2003

Carpe Diem

So today I got one of those goodhearted emails with a piece about living life to the fullest by Erma Bombeck. Wonderful, valuable sentiments all but the style just isn't me. Here's another way of putting it in a bit more my style because it involves both shopping and Emeryville, CA where I worked for nearly ten-years. Regardless of how it's delivered though, the gist of the message for me today is carpe diem, so I too "will continue to write in this silly blog, to make music, to attend parties, to put myself into uncomfortable situations, to compete in belching contests, to try weird seafood and drink fizzy drinks. Because one day my number will truly be up, and when I go, all the unwritten songs and unfulfilled desires and unsatisfied curiosities go with me". Thanks Scott for expressing it all, well except for the part about competing in belching contests, though there was that time in Vermont...

May 27, 2003


kids at play

Couldn't resist documenting my own little phenomenon in this photo of kids at the computer center, with every single one playing Bookworm. Just don't tell them it's educational.

May 30, 2003

May Days


Though it hardly seemed it, there were a few nice days in May. Oh, and one nice night too.

About May 2003

This page contains all entries posted to hey jud in May 2003. They are listed from oldest to newest.

April 2003 is the previous archive.

June 2003 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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