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Thursday Part Two

Our day continued with the discovery of a tunnel, just between Kiasma and the Music Center, that led to a walking/bike path leading all the way to the water. We still haven't found out the real name, but we're calling it the 'Low Line', as an obvious opposite of the West Village High Line. We struck out on our first two church visits - both the Rock Church and Kampi Chapel of Silence were closed - but on the third try, the Oldest Church was still open. That gave us another opportunity to meet some Helsinki locals who unfortunately, didn't know the name of the new pathway either. We included a stop for the season special asparagus pizza at Putte's, walked along the Esplanadi, around Senate Square, and finally back to the Metro a little after 10:00 pm. It's surprising how walkable everything is in Helsinki, and we explored an amazing amount of it by the end of our long day.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 25, 2012 3:19 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Friday Excuses.

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