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Friday Excuses

The days here are so long and busy that once again, I'm falling way behind with anything more than just downloading photos to be ready for the next day's shots. So, just a short bit on the Midsummer celebration here. We first noticed birch branches, the symbolic decoration for Johannus, atop the market stalls and later saw them on buildings throughout the city and on boats along the waterfront. At the market, everyone was lined up to buy clusters of branches or even small trees, but not everyone took their birch tree home on the tram. The tree below was so full and tall, you can barely see the woman holding it.



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 27, 2012 2:34 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Thursday Part Two.

The next post in this blog is Friday - Beginning Juhannus Weekend.

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