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A Minor Miracle

It was a small one but nonetheless somewhat of a miracle, getting all the annoying errands out of the way in less than 2-hours. Oh if only one could plan for such a congruence of traffic lights, parking spots, no lines, helpful salespeople and otherwise just darned good luck, but then it wouldn't even be a minor miracle. The event consisted of a trip to Harvard Square to return jeans and a belt, with a quick stop on the way to pick up wine and an after stop to return a second pair of jeans back across town at Assembly Square. The good luck came about with an additional, unplanned stop in Harvard Square where I may have found the perfect pants and top to go with the perfect jacket I already purchased for my mother-of-the-bride outfit. Tomorrow I have to bring the jacket and return to verify the match up. Let us all pray for continued good fashion fortune.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 8, 2005 5:40 PM.

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