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Blizzard Conditions

The blizzard began pretty much as predicted. Unfortunately I was in the Galleria Mall, quite aware of the after-holiday bargains, and foolishly unaware that the snow had begun. What that means is our car is parked in the 'back forty', the street five blocks away where we end up parking when our own street is already full, as it was by the time we got home around 6:30 pm last night. From that point on, the snow just kept on coming. Peter was out early to shovel, but I stayed in to make authentic French onion soup from my Christmas present cookbook, Bouchon. I figured what better time to make a soup that required five-hours of caramelizing onions. Later when I realized that I also needed a baguette to complete the soup's topping I headed off to Johnny's and discovered lots of folks and families out enjoying the snow, sliding down the snow-covered hills between the monument and Warren Street. Fortunately, we haven't lost power and are now engrossed in watching the Patriot's game while eating the onion soup. It's a delightful combination of total New England sports spirit combined with Brasserie Balzar memories. Stay tuned tomorrow to see if we're able to locate and dig out our car.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 23, 2005 8:53 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Digging Out.

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