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The Goose Was Cooked

This year, instead of our regular restaurant visit on Christmas Eve, we came back from the Nutcracker and changed into chef's gear. Each of us had a dish assignment, while Meg, being the semi-professional, had several. Because we each had a hand in it, I think the result was better than any restaurant meal, though it did tax the available space in our kitchen. Oysters on the half shell accompanied our champagne toast to the season, followed by butternut squash soup with creme fraiche and fried sage leaves. The main course was goose , a Christmas tradition for some but the first time for us, served with chestnut stuffing, incredible Michael-whipped potatoes and brussel sprouts in brown butter. Salad of mache and sliced beets with goat cheese preceded the Swedish wine nut roll dessert, a pastry moistened with wine and filled with walnuts, raisins and Boysenberry jam and specially delivered from Los Angeles. We didn't get pictures of everything but you get the idea of who did what. Special thanks go to Leecee for the truly amazing dessert. Wine and the spirit of Christmas flowed, making us happy and thankful for all being together.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 28, 2004 4:01 PM.

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