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Milk Carton Photo

no shirt, no hat, no serviceIt's not the man in this photo who is missing. It's the shirt and hat. A thoughtfully given and gratefully received Christmas present has not been seen since Christmas day. Theories have been concocted and fingers have been pointed, but no serious culprit has really been discovered. The mystery will likely continue on in the family annals to be brought up and rehashed whenever a critical mass of family gets together. You might recognize my brother-in-law golfing this summer on Nantucket, but in case you don't, he'll be the one with no shirt, no hat and probably no service.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 11, 2004 11:37 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Change of Plans.

The next post in this blog is How Many is Too Many?.

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