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Change of Plans

people dwarfed by Disney I had thought I would post just about our CA trip, and how it started off after our cross-country flight with a very special Shabbat family dinner with old friends from way back in our Springfield days. And then I'd follow with Peter's spectacular picture of Frank Gehry's Disney Concert Hall, kind of in honor of the Stata Center opening tomorrow at MIT.

But you'll have to wait for anything more about the trip because now I want to share and save my memory of today back at home. Starting with the unexpected delight of morning coffee at Sorelle's before dropping Peter at a conference in Cambridge, the day continued with some web stuff at the Holden School. Both coming and going to that meeting I passed the Warren Prescott, where most of my computer center kids are students. It brought me up short, to think of them, to hear them on the playground and even to see one of them working with a tutor on a bench outside the school.

My days with the children have ended but my mind continues to be full of them. The amazing delight of my last two weeks at the center, when the problems simply disappeared and everything worked as I always had hoped, made leaving all that more difficult. Tears stay just barely behind my eyelids, brimming with so many could have beens and possibilities that, in the end, were outweighed by the difficulties. Now I just wish I knew someone to take over at the center. Though my part is finished, the work there is really only begun.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 6, 2004 7:48 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Milk Carton Photo.

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