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Fall Too Soon

It caught up with me unexpectedly this year. Labor Day weekend arrived, the weather changed and summer was gone. Friday night we walked home through the North End and caught the final, and biggest, Italian festival for the year, participating fully with a plate of fried calamari while watching a guy strolling around followed by his pet duck. What kind of Italian tough guy has a pet duck anyway? Saturday's weather was the most perfect early fall day and I walked the esplanade. Sunday was gray but ideal, per Martha, for cleaning the living room windows. And shine they do with just slightly more than four years of built-up dirt removed. The shafts of light through the newly clean windows put me in mind of the way the sun beamed in during Ted Anderson's Labor Day sermons on Nantucket, and I recalled his inspiration and wished he hadn't retired. Monday I put together a few photos to end the miscellany of the weekend.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 3, 2003 1:33 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Vacation Cruise for $1.25.

The next post in this blog is Connecting.

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