A Beatles song comforted me September 11, 2001 and again today I was greeted by the Beatles. As we drove across the bridge this morning the radio began to play 'Here Comes the Sun', the start of our ritual playlist for the trip up the mountain to Mad River. Somehow in all the zillions of times I heard it I never noticed the particularly appropriate lyric "I feel the ice is slowly melting", our constant hope for the ski conditions to be found when we arrived. The song was a reminder of days when we were all together, all the time. Now it's emails and phone calls, and only holidays, or short vacations, when we actually connect. I love my independence, and how I can get completely wrapped up in my daily life, and I like to allow that for my children as well. But today I'm thinking of how those times to connect can be so quickly and unexpectedly lost, and reminding myself that independence is one thing but a little more connection can never be too much.