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August 2002 Archives

August 9, 2002

Diehard Red Sox fans

Diehard Red Sox fans never miss a chance to urge their team on, including this hopeful alteration of a traffic sign going outbound on Storrow Drive. You know. It's the one that used to say 'Reverse Curve'. Fie on the Bambino.

August 12, 2002

I spent the day in

I spent the day in Orange and when I got back to pick Peter up, we decided to take advantage of the beautiful end of the day light for a walk around the Common. As we came up the stairs to where Joy Street runs into Beacon, I noticed the red light reflecting to make one bunch of leaves bright red as well. A perfect flaneuring moment.

August 17, 2002

I spent the last few

I spent the last few days in Nantucket and at various points, I read further along in my friend Felice's book, 'Envisioning Science'. Even though I'm not planning to do any scientific photography, I've found lots of things that inspired me to think a little more and try to do a little more with my photography. Here's one of the results. It's up to you to figure out exactly what and where it is.

For the first time ever,

For the first time ever, I went to Amazon and clicked on my 'gold box'. Who do they think they're gold boxing anyway? The first choice was a set of Farberware cook pots when I've been a Calphalon owner for years. The middle choices were equally inappropriate but the finale was the worst - the Animal Planet Radio Control Wooly Mammoth. I guess it was a total last ditch effort to entice me. Do they realize I'm over 50? On the other hand, perhaps I should take it as a compliment.

August 27, 2002

Since my camera broke

Since my camera broke this past week I have been in despair over missed photo opportunities. Today though, when I walked past these clock faces, I remembered shooting them the last time I passed by. They still made me take a second look.

August 29, 2002

Okay. So here's what I

Okay. So here's what I love about blogging. This morning while reading the newspaper I clipped out an ad for a men's shirt with this sort of fifties-ish design. I just thought it was neat but I didn't know what about it attracted me. Then when I went online for my daily dose of weblogs, I discovered a possible answer. Turns out I wasn't the only one recently intrigued by spirals, and in a timely convergence, I connected with fascinating and pertinent information.

The other thing I love about blogging is my mention in Meg and her friends (including the spiral speculator mentioned above) new book, We Blog. Actually it's not so much the mention of 'My Mother the Blogger' as how it makes the point that blogging exposes a different side of a person from other types of contact. All along I've felt that daily reading of megnut provided me with more insights into her life than sharing the same house ever did, but who knew I was doing the same thing with heyjud.

About August 2002

This page contains all entries posted to hey jud in August 2002. They are listed from oldest to newest.

July 2002 is the previous archive.

September 2002 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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