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Last year my paper white

Last year my paper white narcissus bulbs were duds. They didn't grow very tall and I didn't get a single blossom. This year I apparently have super bulbs, the way they're zooming up already. I started them the Friday after Thanksgiving, which is usually just the right time to have them in full blossom for Christmas. At the rate these super bulbs are going though, I'm afraid they may be over and done with too soon for my holiday decoration plans.

On the other hand, I planted mache at the end of September from seeds I brought back from France, and it's growing oh so slowly. Perhaps that timing will be right for a Christmas dinner salad though.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 29, 2001 5:21 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Mad River memories are cropping.

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