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Sunday's post-Thanksgiving brunch brought

Sunday's post-Thanksgiving brunch brought lots of family to Braintree to eat heartily yet again and to pose for the first in a new venue for step shots. Everyone is shown in the picture, thanks to next door neighbor and photographer, Bill Fraser. Prize for the furthest distance traveled went to Kit, Kia and Jered visiting from Bainbridge Island, though we all missed Linda and Moebius who stayed behind on Nantucket. Louise also stayed behind and missed being one of the lucky few who got to attend another Patriot's game in the rain. At least they won this time.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 26, 2001 6:22 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Scenes from Thanksgiving Day in.

The next post in this blog is Last year my paper white.

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