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Mad River memories are cropping

Mad River memories are cropping up everywhere these days. Featured first on Boston Magazine's list of spots for hitting the slopes, the writeup on Mad River Glen simply said, 'If you haven't skied it yet, you should'. Then the mail brought a brochure titled just like my favorite bumper sticker, Mad River Glen Ski It If You Can, and full of information about how the Cooperative works and the legend it's continuing. And this morning NPR reported the death of George Harrison, who wrote our family's skiing inspiration song. Back when we rented a condo at the Battleground, we always popped in the tape, forwarded to 'Here Comes the Sun', as we pulled out through the covered bridge on the road up to the mountain. Heading to our hoped for nirvana of powder on the slopes and sunny blue sky overhead, we were disappointed by the weather more often than not, but never by the skiing at such a magical place.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 30, 2001 9:19 AM.

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