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While we were in

While we were in Paris, our apartment was just a block from Maison Kayser, touted by Gourmet as having the best baguette in Paris. And just last week our local donut shop here in Charlestown, one block from the house, was designated Simply the Best, in the recent Boston Magazine Best of Boston issue. How fortunate we are to have such prime locations for prime baked goods. Pictures of the two shops show their crucial difference. In Paris you walk to the boulangerie and line up to get inside. In Charlestown you drive and double-park on Bunker Hill Street while you run inside. But in both places you get the same sort of simply delicious, just yummy result. When I'm thinking maybe I won't bother with my next workout, I just imagine going without a Lori Ann's sugar raised doughnut, or passing up a Baguette Monge or Paline, not to mention the rhubarb tart, and I'm right out the door.


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