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Tuesday of Contrasts

Good weather sent us back to our original plan for yesterday, to visit Vanha Vallila, the neighborhood of original wooden houses dating back to the 1900's through the 1920's. After our walking tour and a stop for my new favorite, pear cider, we checked the tram map and discovered we were right by the #7 line, one of the great things about Helsinki and its ever so convenient public transit. Since the sky still looked mainly sunny, we decided to take the 7 to the Metro and then to the complete contrast of Kalasatama, a planned neighborhood under development, where the still open space has been co-opted by the community for skateboarding and the longest graffiti wall in the world. When the sky grew gray and threatening it was back to the Metro and in to the Kamppi Chapel of Silence, a place in the center city meant for quiet meditation and the final contrast to our day. Between the architecture and graffiti, we took many, many photos.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 9, 2012 9:59 AM.

The previous post in this blog was On Monday it Rained.

The next post in this blog is Wednesday - Johnny Cash Day.

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