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Sunday Outing

This was a bit of a mixed up day because it started off looking like rain but then it never really did. However the ominous morning sky sent us first off to the Stockmann Department Store to replace our battered umbrellas with new sturdy ones, where we also located an authentically great-tasting pain au chocolat at Robert's Coffee. With umbrellas at the ready, just in case, we took a meandering walk past still more of the pervasive Jugend style buildings, heading toward the Pavilion behind the Design Museum. Once there, and still with no rain, we walked down to explore the Ullanlinna neighborhood and a bit of Eira before coming back to actually go inside the Museum of Finnish Architecture. Perhaps because we sat down and watched some videos while there, we felt obliged to walk again, eventually coming all the way round to the Kaisaniemi Metro and home. See some sights from the day.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 3, 2012 3:58 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Saturday - Juhannus, Midsummer Day.

The next post in this blog is On Monday it Rained.

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