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Sunday and Monday Walks

The bright blue and beautiful Sunday led me out walking along the waterfront from Hakaniemi, past Kruununhaka, up the hill to the Uspenski Cathedral and then to a bench on Esplanadi to read. Our host left a book for us, 'Helsinki Beyond Dreams', and I read through almost the whole thing at various rest stops during my lengthy walk. As the sub-title 'actions towards a creative and sustainable hometown' reads, there was much of interest. Best of all though, was getting the answer to the mystery of how the flower bed in the center of Bear Park went from dirt to garden overnight. Last week, when Trudy and I walked back to the apartment after dinner one night, the plot was empty, but when we went out the next morning, it was filled with plants. Too bad we got such a late start because it would have been a treat to see the local, elderly 'godmothers' who look after the park, doing their annual spring planting. At least now we know we didn't imagine the transformation.

So Monday was supposed to be grocery and laundry day but once I got over to the market, I decided to just take a short walk on the Kruununhaka streets I hadn't seen Sunday when I walked along the water. By the time I got back from a not so short walk at 4, the outside market at Hakaniemi was already closed but I got what I needed inside. Photos show both days' explorations, and I did get the somewhat intimidating laundry machines figured out for some clean clothes. Now early to bed to get ready for tomorrow's Helsinki Day celebrations.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 11, 2012 1:40 PM.

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The next post in this blog is A Flaneur in Helsinki.

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