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A Flaneur in Helsinki

So for the last couple of days I've been walking in all the different neighborhoods, and there's one thing I've noticed everywhere. People in Finland walk fast, or at least in Helsinki they do. There's a purpose in every step and it's evidently to get someplace in the quickest possible way, leaving someone like me far behind. But one cannot flaneur in a rush for who knows what may be missed - the handsome man on the Esplanade dressed in tails practicing his lines for some upcoming production, the kids zipline in the corner of an otherwise pretty basic playground, or the beautifully sunlit garage at the end of an alley, with the disconcerting, if for real, homicide police-style body outline on the cement. Without meandering wherever the sunny sides of the street led me, I would not have found the construction site of the only new single house I saw anywhere in the city center. I don't think I even saw any other place where it looked like there was a plot of available land. I wouldn't be the owner of a funky 7 euro skirt, with front different from back, that wasn't hanging, but lying on top of all the other skirts in the used clothing store, waiting for me. It was so perfect with what I already had on, I just wore it home. Photos show what I've found fun and interesting, but I'm still taking John Baxter's words to heart - 'A walk is not a parade or race. It's a succession of instants, anyone of which can illuminate a lifetime'. I'm hoping for that sort of inspiration, but if it were winter time, I'd be doing my best to keep up with those fast-walking Finns.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 15, 2012 12:45 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Another Day Another Walk.

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