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Winding Through Montmartre

Not for us is the direct upward route to Sacre Coeur. Instead, continuing the FFM tradition, Peter chose a winding walk, back and forth and up and down, so that we saw almost every neighborhood street. The photo opportunities were endless and I'm seriously considering a Montmartre apartment rental for our next Paris visit. The neighborhood vitality, the cafes with their treacherously placed tables and chairs lined up to capture the best views, the potential bargain shopping, all make me think a couple of weeks time for further exploring would be well worth it. One extra treat during our flaneuring was coming across a graffiti artist just beginning to spray paint a new work, but I'm going to cover that in a separate post when I get back home.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 28, 2010 11:32 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Maison La Roche.

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