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Late Start But Full Day

Somehow we just didn't get right to bed after our late night Tour Montparnasse visit, so this day began well after noon time. Our first stop was Sainte Chapelle where the line was so long we abandoned it for the moment. Instead we backtracked to the Musee de Cluny, just a couple of blocks from the apartment. It's famous for the Unicorn tapestries, but full of other equally interesting collections. I do love the room from Roman times called the Fridgidarium. Then, fortified with a crepe at a street stand, we perservered in line and visited Sainte Chapelle. Back outside, we walked yet again, up Bld. Saint Michelle to Jardin du Luxembourg, stopping across the way for coffee and a rest for weary feet. We ended the day strolling through the Jardin, past the Pantheon all the way to Arene de Lutece, and capped it off at a particularly nice outdoor cafe almost back to Place Maubert. Some photo reminders and one especially for Ollie.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 11, 2010 7:07 AM.

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