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A Long Walking Day

Our initial plan to visit the Louvre, Palais Royal and two of the lovely covered shopping streets called Passages, worked out just right. After the mandatory viewing of the Mona Lisa, we continued through the large French paintings and then looked for the advertised exhibit of Cy Twombly's ceiling in the Salle des Bronzes, which I thought was a temporary exhibit but apparently is not. When we came outside again, the weather had warmed a bit as we walked through the Tuileries and then over to the Palais Royal where I love the striped bollards in the first courtyard. Continuing through the gardens we walked out the other side and up rue Vivienne to the Passage Vivienne. The Passage has a number of upscale clothing stores good for window shopping, and a delightful toy store where I bought a book for Ollie. It's full of pictures and identifies everything in French, so I've been using it ever since to increase my vocabulary with words like bandaid, un pansement, and playground slide, un toboggan. We didn't backtrack through the passage but came out instead on a new street where I got completely turned around. It took Barbara and much map reading to get us home again, making for our very long walking day.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 12, 2010 3:37 AM.

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