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Day of Many Stairs

It seems like I climbed to the third floor at least five times, maybe six, this morning between various trips to get groceries in for when Meg, Jason and the kids arrive tomorrow. I didn't want to wait until Sunday because lots of the good places are closed, so now my tiny fridge is loaded full up. When they get in tomorrow late afternoon on the bullet train from Geneva, I'll be there to greet them, help with the bags and getting back to their apartment, and have something good waiting for supper.

Once all that grocery shopping was done, I checked out their neighborhood, which is just up the hill from mine, towards the Sorbonne and the Pantheon. Their street in particular is cobblestoned, narrow as an alley and looks charmingly French. On the way there I found some great street art that I bet Ollie will like, especially the zebras. Because the sun was out, I took an afternoon break to sit outside and start the book Barbara left behind for me, The Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls. At the end of the day, I stayed close to home again, visiting the Musee de l'Assistance Publique - Hopitaux de Paris for a classical music concert and some short dances as part of la Nuit des Musees. Of course, there are photos.

And now a glass of wine and to bed.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 15, 2010 4:21 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Arrivals.

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