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Alas Winter and More

Somehow it appears that winter has come back a bit in Paris - temperatures are in the low fifties, there's a lot of wind and almost no sun. We've got every possible layer on but have continued to venture out (if only we had the Trudy silk underwear and Heli Hansen). Today, however, something like Montezuma's Revenge (unfortunately I don't have the French translation for that) struck Barbara first and now me. You'll have to wait until it's all resolved to see pictures of our further adventures.

We think we've figured out the proper translation of our stomach problems from yesterday. Rather than Montezuma's revenge, it might be the spite of Marie Antoinette when she said 'Let them eat choucroute'. After a good night's sleep and breakfast of tea and toast, quite the sacrifice in the land of pain au chocolat, we're ready to venture out again. Alors, à notre santé.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 4, 2010 2:58 PM.

The previous post in this blog was New England Weather in Paris.

The next post in this blog is Further Adventures.

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