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Ollie 2.0

The Fourth of July weekend started out with Ollie's second birthday party on July 3rd, up at the house in VT. Meg's high school friend, Julia, came with her husband and three girls, Walter came up from Rochester, and Paul, Joanne and Kaitlin came from down the road. Presents were brought but somewhat scorned by the birthday boy, who is happiest playing outside wherever there's water, drains and rocks to throw in. On the 4th itself we missed any fireworks but did get to the Rochester parade and chicken barbecue, with a stop in between to see the renovations at historic Pierce Hall and get out of the rain. The sun finally came out on Sunday, in time for a cookout and hike to the waterfall cutoff at Mad River. Here are some pix.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 7, 2009 2:00 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Lamentations 2.2.

The next post in this blog is A Delicious Day.

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