« 8:11 to 20:34 | Main | From Munch to Vigeland »

Day in Bergen

After our late bedtime the night before, we slept in as long as we could without missing the hotel breakfast - a smorgasbord of eggs, potatoes, fresh fruits, vegetables, smoked fish and fish in all kinds of different sauces. I tried a bit of all the different fish preparations but didn't find one I really liked, other than the smoked salmon of course. Then we strolled the town until our train left just after 4 pm. I guess we've become Oslonians (like Buffalonians, ya know?), because we didn't like Bergen nearly as much.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 31, 2009 1:38 PM.

The previous post in this blog was 8:11 to 20:34.

The next post in this blog is From Munch to Vigeland.

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