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Christmas in the City

The pictures tell the story of a very special Christmas at Meg and Jason's. It was sort of a changing of the guard or of the generation, and was the first time we went to the kids' house instead of having all the kids at home with us. One traditional piece of our visit, the Nutcracker at Lincoln Center, didn't make it into the photos but was definitely a highlight along with everything else. Some concern about our seat location, to be truthful a great deal of concern, was expressed as we climbed up four levels. Once we got seated though, we were looking just about dead center at the stage in a perfect spot for appreciating the fluid geometry of the dancers' patterns, kind of like in a kaleidoscope. The Balanchine version lacked some customary parts, but made up for it with exquisite dancing. The final pas de deux was breathtaking when the Cavalier ever so slowly and carefully pulled the Sugar Plum Fairy with one hand, as she slid across the stage while balanced on pointe on one leg. If only we had a photo; instead it's a wonderful memory jogging me to remember all the other special things about our Christmas in the city.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 3, 2007 11:41 AM.

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