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A Perfect Ending

As all good things must, our condo rental for the ski season came to an end. With much stuff left inside, including a full refrigerator, we started off on our cleaning mission trip early Sunday morning a couple of weeks ago. Perhaps because it was such a glorious day, or perhaps because we knew arrival at the condo meant laundry, vacuuming, scouring, packing and more, we doddled along the way. First we looked for the 4 Aces Cafe, a place we used to stop for dinner on ski trips back in college. We found it, looking rather more upstanding than the seedy place we remembered, but it wasn't open on Sunday. That byroad eventually brought us to Bethel, where the grain mill we've driven by forever, positively required us to stop and test out our Keld Helmer-Petersen-inspired photography. Here's the result in a Flickr photoset. Then because the day was so close to perfect, we arrived at the Sugarbush access road only to realize I had forgotten the condo key. Then it was perfect, with no cleaning to be done, and an unscheduled gourmet meal and accomodations at Pizza on Earth.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 12, 2006 1:27 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Work Party in Orange.

The next post in this blog is Hallelujah!.

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