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Fe Fi Fo Fum

It's not a beanstalk and there's no sign of Jack, but this red-leaved tall red Amaranthus plantAmaranthus plant has grown taller than the railing on my upper deck. Originally it had five siblings in a six-pack from Home Depot. One other has survived, but it's a mere 12-inches. This one's got to be a good 48-inches, roots included. Once I started imagining Jack climbing up the stalk, I started looking for the story to read again. Turns out there are a number of different versions but the one I remember is Jack and the Beanstalk as told by Andrew Lang. I always liked the 'Fe fi fo fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman' part the best.

That story reminded me of another favorite fairy tale, something about a pig and a house burning down. Whenever I'm in a children's bookstore I look for the book I remember, with a yellow cover and big red lettering, but it's always been in vain. Thanks to some Google research I'm sure I've identified it - the Golden Book of Nursery Tales from 1948 and the story called Bobo and the Roast Pig. Unfortunately there's only a reference to it; the book itself is not online. However this link provides the basics of the story. I don't know what it was about that particular book and story, but I can still feel the excitement of opening it to read about Bobo and his yummy discovery. I don't even really like roast pork but I loved Bobo burning his finger and making the best of a big mistake.


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