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Web Black Hole

If you want to get sucked right in and spend a lot of time in a fascinating look at Google images, go to Montage-a-google, an application developed by Grant Robinson (I'd love to know how he did it and even more, how he ever thought of doing it). What a terrific use of Google images! I've been playing with this for a whole day now, and I just keep coming back again and again with new search words. I can't stop myself. A few favorites are 'judy hourihan' which gives me a wonderful family montage, 'gurn' which turns out not to be my Buffalo friend who pointed me to this website but a verb instead, and 'maps' combined with various places I like, such as Paris, Buffalo or subway. Be sure to try it out but only if you've got an extra free hour or two.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 12, 2005 9:51 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Tied Up in the Strings of Life.

The next post in this blog is Guest Photos.

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