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Everybody Loves a Bargain

Excited to find a pair of Isda khakis in the Vault at Filene's Basement, I hurried into the dressing room to see if they fit. There was a lot of bustling around and chatting going on, but I got my number and closed myself into the dressing room. As I pulled on my test pants, I couldn't help tuning in to the conversation in the next cubicle over. Whoever was in there was very practiced at trying on, and assessing, the look of her clothing choices (boring, not flattering enough, ooh this one could be good), running through a whole series while I tried on just the pants. Then there was a clue. She was speedy with the costume changes because she was Miss Massachusetts, and was shopping for new outfits to wear in the Miss USA competition. Two things give her my vote. She was confident and decisive about what she liked and didn't like, and she wasn't afraid to wear a bargain outfit in the big event. I only heard her, so I won't even recognize her if I see the competition on TV. Maybe I'll recognize her clothes though.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 8, 2005 1:20 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Winter Harbor.

The next post in this blog is We Love You Patriots.

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