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The Storms of Summer

Already it's quiet and sunny outside with spots of blue sky bursting through the gray clouds. Just minutes ago though, it was all dark gray and booming, with thunder clouds streaked by brilliant lightning, and waterfall rain. The storm crept up on me, as I focused on my computer screen, until finally the noise broke through my concentration. Watching out the back porch door, I thought of other epic storms in California and especially Nantucket, where the wind once blew so hard the rain came right in through the siding of the summer house. Then I noticed again the growing stains on several of our ceilings and I resolved once more to call the roofing guys.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 2, 2004 6:18 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Balancin' Bunnie.

The next post in this blog is An Urban Fish Story.

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