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A Perfect Lunch

There's no denying that sometimes the simplest of pleasures can make a day and today's lunch was exactly that. Thanks to the recipe supplied by ex-Jamba Juicer Mike, I made a Protein Berry Pizzazz with Femme Boost. That means I drank my all-time favorite smoothie, made with soy milk, blueberries, strawberries and a banana, boosted with extra soy protein. Along with it I had the last slice of Grandma H's Acadian Bread (at least I think that's the name, I know it starts with A and it's not Anadama). The bread is full of apricots, cranberries and nuts, and stays wonderfully moist wrapped in a little tin foil. I think Grandma's recipe makes nine loaves that she parcels out for holiday gifts, but I'd like the recipe for just a single loaf. I don't want to have to wait till Christmas again for a perfect lunch.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 2, 2004 2:55 PM.

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