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Celebrating 90

On Sunday we drove up to Gloucester for a special celebration of Aunt Katherine's 90th birthday. The day was spent with family of all ages, from a five-month old great-grandchild to younger brother Grandpa Hourihan at 87 years, but the star of the day was Aunt Katherine herself. Of course she's Aunt Katherine to us but Gram to most of the other folks at the party. There was great food, lots of catching up on what everyone had been doing and a surprise burst of sunshine just before the kids released the balloons. It's hard to imagine getting to age 90, but if I do, I'd like a celebration just like this one.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 4, 2003 12:27 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Photo Bug - Point and Shoot Revolution Continues.

The next post in this blog is The Good Old Days.

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