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Double Anniversary

Both the house and Grandma and Grandpa were celebrating milestone anniversaries this summer. Twenty-five years ago construction began on the two houses, and was commemorated this year with deck reconstruction and new shingles on the south side of the big house.

For Grandma and Grandpa's 63rd anniversary party, as described in Grandma's own words, "We all had a wonderful bluefish dinner after Bill, Peter, Judy, Meg and Jason caught the fish on a charter boat trip out to Great Point. Champagne for the toast, Salmon Run wine from Shannon (all agreed fruity, not too dry), Pinot Grigio, Bartlett's corn, roasted potatoes, salad and Meg's chocolate cake completed a sumptuous meal for 12, including Evan, Melinda, McKenna and Isabell."


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 27, 2003 9:14 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Trip to Paris for 10 Bucks.

The next post in this blog is Vacation Cruise for $1.25.

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