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Another Ending Saturday was

Another Ending

last coffee and donutSaturday was the last day for Lori-Ann's, the donut shop around the corner from us that's been in business since 1955. We had heard rumors of Lori-Ann's closing, but with no obvious signs of an imminent shutdown, we continued to think it was really just rumor. When Peter picked up donuts this past Saturday as usual, he asked why there weren't any copies of the local newspaper on hand. Only then did the woman behind the counter mention they'd be closing for good at the end of the day. After 48 years in operation, the final day was just another day. I wonder what her Monday morning was like?


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 29, 2003 9:31 AM.

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The next post in this blog is Rappin' at the Derby.

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