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Paris I just can't get

Paris I just can't get enough of you. It's the bustle of people everywhere, the wordiness and high spirit used for every exchange. It's the attention to the visual message in every window display, every bouquet of flowers, every piece of fruit or vegetable in the market stalls. It's the compactness of life made easy by the incredible mix of shops, restaurants and markets in every neighborhood. Pick up what you need for that night on the way home or walk a block or two to a restaurant. Inspired by some miraculous parking sights, it's given me new devotion to squeezing my car into even the tiniest parking space. Back home this morning when the barista handed me my latte, I barely stopped the 'merci' before saying thank you instead. I'm back, but only just to figure out how and when I can go again.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 20, 2002 7:54 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Fortunate to be visiting.

The next post in this blog is It's barely Thanksgiving but.

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