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Gimme a Blog Boost PleaseWhen

Gimme a Blog Boost Please

When I lived in California I often started my day with a Jamba Juice smoothie. I'd wait in line, choose the Proteinberry Pizazz and then get to add a 'boost'. Here in Charlestown there's no convenient Jamba Juice so I get my morning boost from reading blogs.

I cycle through my regulars and, without fail, one connects with something I'm currently doing or thinking about - like a post of Eminem lyrics the day kids in the computer lab were looking for that exact song, or a while ago when I clipped a photo of a spiral patterned shirt and discovered others simultaneously thinking about spirals. This past week links to 1880 online census information gave me a research topic to suggest for computer class, and to reminders about W3C standards and validation (I've got a long way to go yet on my own site) that will help start kids in web design class off on the right foot.

Now instead of the femme boost from Jamba, I'm getting an idea boost from the blogs of others and being amazed by the constant relevancy of those connections.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 1, 2002 10:27 AM.

The previous post in this blog was I've become a total Google.

The next post in this blog is Fortunate to be visiting.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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