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April 2002 Archives

April 4, 2002

Last night I dreamt about

Last night I dreamt about being invited to a party, perhaps a birthday party. At the appointed time I walked by the party place and, looking in the window, saw everyone inside getting ready to celebrate. Instead of going in though, I kept meeting other people outside and being drawn helplessly into their conversations. Try as I might, I couldn't get free to attend the birthday party going on inside.

I'm not much for analyzing dreams but surely this had something to do with April being the month of family birthdays - Ruthi today, Billy and Marcia on Sunday, and Grandpa H. on the 19th. Happy birthday to each of you, and not just in my dreams.

April 17, 2002

Spring is sprung and

Spring is sprung and so are these tulips! I brought them inside from a porch pot to enjoy their final voluptuous burst of glory. Now their dissolution is complete, sped up by the unusual weather the last two days with temperatures in the high 80's. If only this was April in Paris again for me. Visitors could ignore last year's warnings to bring a lined raincoat and gloves, and Trudy could leave her silk long underwear safely packed away, avoiding the jealousy they provoked.

April 24, 2002

So this is how bad

So this is how bad it's gotten. The T1 line which provides the connection for Megnut and for heyjud as well, was down for 30-hours straight and I didn't even realize. I have been doing lots of web stuff though, just not for my own site. Some of my volunteer work is coming together with earlier ideas for a Bunker Hill Monument site, and soon I should be able to point you to a virtual Climb the Monument page. Be prepared to answer some questions on Charlestown historical facts.

About April 2002

This page contains all entries posted to hey jud in April 2002. They are listed from oldest to newest.

March 2002 is the previous archive.

May 2002 is the next archive.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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