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When I ran out of

When I ran out of reading material on our recent LA trip, I happened to pick up a book called 'The Piano Shop on the Left Bank'. It reinforced my joy in playing the old piano that has moved with us from East to West Coast and back again, and my love of Paris. The story was full of information about the mechanics of how pianos work, their history and differences, and the art of tuning them. What made the facts especially fascinating was the Left Bank setting and story of the rituals required for someone to become, first a customer, and then a part of the neighborhood culture surrounding the piano shop. I kept wondering if I'd walked unknowingly past such a shop and rueing my lack of spoken French, a prerequisite for joining such a neighborhood institution. Now it's off to take both piano lessons and French lessons before my next trip to Paris. There's no limit to dreams.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 25, 2002 9:22 AM.

The previous post in this blog was Lately at the gym, during.

The next post in this blog is I am inspired! Enough to.

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