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I am inspired! Enough to

I am inspired! Enough to easily last a year and probably much longer. Yesterday at the Y, the two 'Franks' returned, one after some surgery following a stroke, and the other after having cataracts removed. Back to their usual regimen of some treadmill and then the weight machines, everyone was buoyed up by their usual banter and incredibly happy to see them return. Both are due for another round of surgery in a few months but until then, they're regulars again in the gym. Now if that wasn't enough inspiration already, afterwards in the locker room I heard a funny scraping noise when the woman in the shower next to me finished. It was the scraping of the walker she was using to get to her locker to get dressed. She wasn't in the fitness center with us, so apparently she'd been down to the pool for her workout.

That's it then. No more posts from me about struggling through aerobics, or lame excuses for not getting to the gym. The images from yesterday's workout will be there to remind me of exactly what I need to do.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 26, 2002 10:48 AM.

The previous post in this blog was When I ran out of.

The next post in this blog is A tree today, enjoying the.

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