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On the last day of

On the last day of the year, while sitting in the car waiting for Peter, I heard again the George Harrison song, 'While My Guitar Gently Weeps'. Though I guess I'd like to consider it healing, it was more a sadness to discover the song no longer affected me the way it did that Wednesday after September 11. It was hard to even figure out why I thought it had been specially chosen in rememberance that day, but when it got to the part about diverted, perverted, inverted, no one alerted you, I did remember. Then I glanced across at City Hall where the flags flying so majestically still had a special impact.

Later we walked into the city to see the lights and crowds of First Night, a celebration undeterred by those events and affirming the promise of the New Year.

Lights on the mall, Commonwealth Ave Ice sculpture on the CommonIce sculpture at Copley And I couldn't resist, a blowup shoe sculpture on the Common


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 1, 2002 4:06 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Nostalgia is setting in..

The next post in this blog is Now that we finally got.

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