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Our birthday visit to Las

Our birthday visit to Las Vegas was all about family and old friends who, after nearly thirty years, are close enough to just about be family as well. It had been six years since we were last all together, and the first time with the new addition of Meg and Rob's daughter, Sofia. We walked the strip, we talked, we gambled just a bit, we ate lots of food and Big Apple bagels, we hiked, we hung out and just relaxed together, during a wonderful respite weekend leading up to the usual Christmas frenzy. Worth an explanation is the shot of the hikers, who were inspired by the many real petroglyphs carved into the red rocks to pose for their own modern shadow versions. And though it wasn't France, we did meet Aunt Doris in Paris for brunch.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 13, 2001 12:39 PM.

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